An industrious young chap;
36 years round the sun. Brent Brown has been a full-time musician for 13 years in and around Naperville, Illinois. From the time he picked up a guitar in 2007 (also graduating high school this year), songs were being written. It wasn’t until he tried getting a gig at the local Potbelly sandwich shop and not getting the first audition; it was realized that cover songs would help his case. So cover songs started being played, youtube was just getting popular, and Brent began playing multiple Potbellys shops a week. Though immensely shy, he was able to hide behind the guitar and soft voice for a while; growing like a daisy and watered by the kind souls who saw his gift.
Through posting youtube videos, a booking agent found Brent and offered him a 5 month cruise ship gig. Being 21, just graduating College of Dupage with an Associate's Degree, and having no clue what was next; It was a no brainer to go sailing.
Upon returning from an awesome though challenging time at sea, Brent decided to make music-for-a-living become possible on land.
I could go on and tell you about how one gig led to another while serving at the Texas RoadHouse to make money. But let’s save this for my autobiography; You may have also noticed that I’ve broken out of an illusory 3rd person form of writing.
Well, like writing for myself; I also have learned over time how to record, make videos, take photos, edit them, market, and book gigs. The joy of biting off a little more than I can chew, always keeps things passionate and engaging.
I thank you for reading a little about my life and hope you will continue to tune into my journey on full display via 1-2 new youtube videos every week. Music is also being frequently released on Spotify and iTunes, so be sure to see what’s new!
I hope to hear from you soon on one of these media platforms or at a live show, you beautiful human you:)